Research and analysis to footprint your operations, products, or services and benchmark performance to the standards that matter.
Alameda County and Cities of Ashland, Bend, Edmonds, Eugene, Gresham, Hillsboro, Portland Public Schools, Portland Metro: Greenhouse Gas Inventory Community and City Operations
New Season’s Market, Organic Valley, Wholly: Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Supply Chain Analysis
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality: Non-road Diesel Inventory (as sub to ERG)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator for Pacific Northwest Vineyard and Winery Operations and Regenerative Agriculture Practices
LIVE’s members required the tools to analyze, benchmark and report on-farm activities and impacts to profitability and the on-farm environment. Good Company developed a greenhouse gas emissions calculator to measure emissions from vineyards and winery operations. Additionally, the user-friendly tool helps vintners identify regenerative agriculture opportunities to both reduce emissions but also sequester more carbon in the soil to mitigate their impacts to climate change.
Portland's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Visualizer Tool
Good Company in partnership with Kapwa Consulting and City of Portland's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability developed an Excel-based tool to help visualize the scale of specific climate action strategies needed to meet the community's goal of Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2050 (and a 2030 goal of 50% reduction compared to 1990 GHG emissions). Visualizer results are presented in "talking point" metrics which provide reduction equivalencies in more intuitive units (such as number of vehicles or number of homes to need to be retrofit by certain dates). The equivalencies offer information to support for a fair and just transition as climate actions are implemented and highlight potential costs to low-income households.